From our March Newsletter
By Stephanie Scherle
How to Support Your Stressed Employees
Source: Korn Ferry, Open Access Government
In a recent survey of nearly 20,000 professionals conducted by Korn Ferry, two-thirds of professionals reported feeling more stressed at work than they did five years ago. Indeed, employee stress levels have risen by nearly 20% in the last three decades.
Most of us are aware and research has clearly shown that stress at work has negative consequences for employees, including a range of physical and mental health concerns. This of course also impacts organisational wellbeing, as stressed employees do not have the space to perform at their best and are more likely to take days off and quit.
Therefore, it is no surprise that employee mental ill health and stress cost British organisations around £26bn per annum. Considering this, it is not only a moral obligation for organisations to look out for their employees' mental health - it is also necessary for businesses' bottom line.
But what should you look out for to assess how stressed your employees are? And what are some factors that you can consider when thinking about improving employee mental health?
What Is Work Stress?
Source: CIPD, HSE
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines work stress as "the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them at work". While a certain level of pressure, or challenge, is necessary for employees to perform at their best, pressures can grow into stress when employees feel like they do not have the necessary resources to handle them.
Signs That Your Employees Might Be Experiencing Stress
Source: CIPD
Work Performance
Their performance is declining or inconsistent
They make uncharacteristic errors
They seem less motivated and committed
They seem to be forgetful
They spend long hours in the office frequently
They do not use their days off
Conflict and Emotional Signs
They cry at work
They get into arguments
They seem more sensitive, irritable and moody than usual
They seem to overreact to problems
They arrive late at work
They leave work early
They interact less with others at work
Aggressive Behaviour
They gossip
They criticise others
They bully or harass others
They have emotional outbursts
Other Behaviours
They have a hard time relaxing
They consume more alcohol at work events
They take more frequent smoking breaks
They seem less interested in their appearance or hygiene
They have accidents at work
Physical Signs
They have a nervous stumbling speech
They sweat excessively
They seem tired/lethargic
They report having headaches frequently
How Do You Identify Causes of Work Stress?
Source: CIPD, HSE
The HSE lists six main areas that you can consider when identifying the causes of work stress.
Example: the workload an employee is facing
Example: how much employees are able to decide how they do tasks
Example: the level of supervision and feedback
Example: the level of conflict in interactions with coworkers
Example: understanding how the employee's job fits with the goals of the organisation
Example: How change is managed and communicated
How Can You Address Stress At Work?
Source: CIPD, HSE
Employee assistance programmes, counselling services
Flexible working
Staff surveys and focus groups to identify employee needs
Risk assessments and stress audits
Training managers to manage their stress and the stress of employees
Resilience-building sessions
Written policies on stress and mental health
Positive working culture encouraging open conversations about mental health
Would you like to support your workforce with their stress?
Resilient Workforce specialises in improving employee mental health and resilience and uses an evidence-based approach to improve your employees' wellbeing.
We can help you in a number of ways depending on your organisational needs, size, budget and timeline.
Contact us at
CIPD (2019). Stress in the Workplace [Factsheet].
HSE (n. d.). Working Together to Reduce Stress at Work [Factsheet].
Parke, C. (2019, August 13). Once Burned Out, Twice Shy: The Unaffordable Cost of Work-Related Stress. Open Access Government.,%C2%A39%20billion%20a%20year.
Workplace Stress Continues to Mount (n. d.). Korn Ferry.