From our August Newsletter
By Stephanie Scherle

With both Happiness Happens Month and Martin Seligman's birthday taking place in August, this month is dedicated to Positive Psychology. Below we are sharing with you an exercise you can complete for yourself, in a coaching environment, or with your team at work if you feel comfortable doing so.
The PERMA Wheel PERMA is short for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Achievement. Many studies have shown that increasing your PERMA scores can lead to higher wellbeing among many other positive outcomes in your private and professional life. What Does PERMA Mean?
Positive Emotion: Comfort, contentment, ecstasy, joy, pleasure, rapture, satisfaction, warmth, etc.
Engagement: Being in flow; deploying your highest strengths and talents to meet your greatest challenges; finding that time stops during an absorbing activity; eagerness to repeat a learning process (even if difficult).decreased morale and productivity.
Relationships: Other people to whom you offer, and from whom you can accept, love and care.
Meaning: A sense that you and your life serve something that is bigger than the self (could be family, religion, politics, a social cause, a charity, a community, etc.
Achievement: Success, accomplishment, winning, mastery.
How To Use The Wheel The wheel is divided into five parts, one for each element of PERMA. Reflect on how satisfied you are with each area of PERMA currently and colour in as many squares as you think represent your current satisfaction (color in one square for little satisfaction and five for maximum satisfaction). This is a great visual presentation of areas to work on. After completing the wheel, you can note down your key insights and three actions to take for each element.

If you would like to have a PDF version of the PERMA worksheet or would like to book some PERMA-related coaching, please contact us at
Dramatic Difference (2022). How's Life? PERMA Self-Coaching Tool. [Worksheet].